People often ask me if “they are still around?” after they die. Of course for some people it depends on your religious beliefs. But I believe that our bodies are just a vessel for our spirit. Vessels wear out or break, that is our death, and our spirit continues on. We are made of energy. Where does that energy go? It just doesn’t die or disappear.
People tell me that they “smelled her” or they thought they heard them or they saw something…….those are not coincidences. Those are visits. Just as dreams are visits from them. Pay attention to what they are telling you. They want us to know they are still around. This applies to people, pets, etc. Pennies from heaven, feathers, and a multitude of other signs happen. Sadly, society wants to have a concrete explanation for everything. Just be open to it. It’s o.k. and actually very healing. I get visits. Often from those that I love and also from my Sacred Embers client’s. It’s not crazy or scary. I am open to it. I honor them and acknowledge them. It brings me peace and you can find that peace as well.